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We are

Multiple industries

We help clients develop systems in multiple industries, from hospitality and healthcare to finance and crypto. Our experience across multiple industries highlights our adaptability and efficiency. We learn by understanding your customers, and helping you design systems that solve your customers needs.

Efficient Technologies

With a philosophy to achieve more with less, we're always honing our skills and optimising systems with newer technologies, or better utilise existing technologies. The end results are better and more stable systems for your customers.

Scale as you grow

We believe in flexible engineering, building rapidly with high quality. This allows for rapid prototyping in the early stages, and then quickly hardening systems for growth. With flexibly designed systems, we aim to efficiently swap out components for more capacity when there is the demand for it.

Iterative development

We work with our clients, to help understand their customers' needs and derive an efficient path towards meeting them. We aim for quicker iteration and validation of development to ensure that all work aligns and works towards solving your customers needs.

Our Services

Systems Design

We work with you to design the most efficient systems to solve your customers needs, while being flexible enough for spec changes in the future.

Performance Tuning

We help identify and solve bottlenecks in production systems and help your business applications scale.

Product Engineering

We act as a bridge between your product managers and engineering teams. We assist product managers by meeting with your customers, identifying their top priorities, and then work with engineering to plan and execute the most efficient delivery of value to customers.

Embedded Engineers

We can be embedded in your teams, working alongside your engineers and help design your systems. We help bring a strong product-engineering culture to teams, and highlight a quality engineering mindset.

Bespoke Software

If you haven't got a team, or want some help building something custom, we can help you bring your vision to reality.



We like to start by meeting you, and get to understand your vision and how we can help.



Once all agreed with the scope, we work iteratively towards the product goals, all the while delivering value you, and getting feedback on progress the whole way.



When you're ready to launch the project, we will be right there with you and your team to help though all processes and manage systems.